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Freedom Fields County Park

120 acres
1160 Route 539
Little Egg Harbor Township, NJ 08087
(732) 506-9090
Park Opens 7am CLOSING TIMES: January 1 - 5pm, January 26 - 5:30pm, February 9 - 6:00pm, February 23 - 6:30pm, March 10 - 7:00pm, March 29 - 7:30pm, April 12 - 8:00pm, August 23 - 7:30pm, September 6 - 7:00pm , September 20 - 6:30pm, October 4 - 6:00pm , October 21 - 5:30pm , November 3 - 5:00pm
NOTE: Our Off-Leash Dog Facilities Open at 8am
and will close 30 mins prior to the listed times above.

Active recreation is the theme at this park. This Sports Field Complex is conveniently located on Route 539. Soccer, softball and baseball fields have been developed to meet the needs of the expanding population of Southern Ocean County.

Softball fields, soccer fields, Little League fields, picnic areas, hiking trails, ADA accessible restrooms

Know where you are at all times on the trails of Ocean County
Use the link below to pinpoint your location:
Ocean County Trail Tracker

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