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Playground Updates in FIVE Ocean County Parks

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**Matthews McKinley Park Lakewood: 56 Drake Road Lakewood NJ
This new accessible playground is completed and features equipment suitable for +all ages and abilities. The green pour in play rubber surfacing really stands out and compliments the play equipment. This is the perfect addition to our newest neighborhood park. The Parks Department will continue to make small additions to the park this year.

**Mill Creek County Park: 111 Chelsea Ave, Berkeley Township
Mill Creek County Park playground is currently closed for renovation. The staff has removed the older playground and work will begin this week to start installing the updated accessible playground. This playground will feature two separate areas, one for 2-5 and another for 5-12. As with all our new playgrounds the surfacing will be rubber and accessible for all ages and abilities. These pictures will be what the final product looks like. Expected to be completed April 2025

**Ocean County Park Picnic Area: 659 Ocean Avenue, Lakewood
Work is already started and is progressing nicely on this playground attached to the picnic area at Ocean County Park. The updating of this playground will be a benefit to all the people that use our picnic area for their events. Site will consist of a main play tower and smaller lower ground play. Swings will also be incorporated into the design as well. Expected to be completed April 2025.

**Patriots County Park and Sports Complex: 485 Bowman Rd, Jackson
The playground at this park is now closed for renovation. Parks staff has removed the existing playground to make way for this new and exciting accessible playground. It will be sports themed to fit with the nature of the park, and feature a large rope climbing structure. This will also have a work out area attached to the playground for adults to enjoy while their children play within eye sight. Expected completion date is May 2025.

**Eno’s Pond County Park: 330 E Lacey Rd, Lacey Township
Completion of this fully inclusive playground is right around the corner. The only elements we are waiting to finish are to the surfacing and the shade sails. Once the contractor completes those items parks staff will be adding some shrubs surrounding the playground, and installing a new walkway from the parking lot. Expected completion date is April 2025.